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Honey Bee Colony Rescue and Relocation


We provide the humane removal of honey bee colonies.  Rescued colonies are relocated and rehabilitated at one of our treatment free apiaries in central Texas.


Honey bees are very resourceful and will sometimes build their hives in your home, a water meter, an old shed or even an owl or bird house. If you find honey bees have moved in to an unwanted location, call a professional bee remover registered with the Texas Apiary Inspection Service. 


Bee removal is a paid professional service.


Call a beekeeper before you attempt to remove the bees.  Spraying a hive with poison rarely kills all of the bees but it will significantly weaken the colony allowing secondary pests to take over.  When removing a bee colony, it is important that all the honeycomb, honey, larvae and pupa are completely removed from the location. Killing the bees without removing the hive parts invites secondary more damaging pests to the structure. Some of those pests include racoons, rats, roaches, wax moths, hive beetles and new honey bee colonies. 


Why is honey bee hive removal not a free service, if the beekeeper keeps the bees and the honey? Bees are not free!  Managed bees require a home; a bee hive with removable frames, a hive stand and a location. Hive components are expensive.  Rescued colonies also require rehabilitation including supplemental feeding to ensure their health and success.  In a hive removal beekeepers save as much of the colonies brood (baby bees) as possible and transfer it to the new hive, hopefully anchoring the bees to their new home, but this is not guaranteed!  Honey recovered from a removal is not transferred into the new hive and cannot be legally or ethically sold. In most cases, it will take a year of building up the rescue hive before the beekeeper can harvest any honey.


We are fully insured.

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